WHLC and FIXUP! Mid City 2015

FIXUP! Mid City 2015
FIXUP! Mid City is an event put on every year in Baton Rouge by the Mid City Redevelopment Alliance. They bring together volunteers from around town to "FIXUP" properties in Mid City Baton Rouge. This year they scraped and painted a house near Acadian Thruway that is to become a resource center for the community. The renovation is a part of the Village Project, an initiative to provide people in the community with tools and resources to "educate, equip, engage and empower the residents in which it serves."
It’s rewarding to drive-by the project site afterwards, see the beneficial results, and have a greater sense of community connection that neighborhood progress is moving forward.
Rex Cabaniss reflects on FIXUP! Mid City 2015
WHLC's own Rex Cabaniss, who also serves on the Board of Directors for the Mid City Redevelopment Alliance, was able to participate this year and provided an editorial of his experience at FIXUP! Mid City 2015.
"I was pleased to join the team of volunteers working on the Village Project, scraping away years of old paint and applying new caulking prior to painting the structure. It was a very well organized program with sign-in tables, organizational announcements, team t-shirts, plenty of tools and supplies, cold refreshments, and joyful music filling the air. The team leaders kept the many volunteers focused, and we made good progress for the day. My main interest is collaborative community building at both small and large scales, and such volunteer efforts provide a tangible step at directly impacting the neighborhood fabric and quality of life. Such volunteer efforts are a small, personal contribution to ‘give back’ and very satisfying to work alongside those with similar motivations to pitch in and help others. I most enjoy the hands-on, group participation; the simple act of working together to make purposeful improvements. The multi-generational teamwork is inspiring, as those of all ages work side-by-side for a common cause. It’s rewarding to drive-by the project site afterwards, see the beneficial results, and have a greater sense of community connection that neighborhood progress is moving forward. I look forward to more such volunteer opportunities with FIXUP! Mid City."
Rex Cabaniss WHLC Principal and Board Member for Mid City Redevelopment Alliance Board of Directors